Legal Reform and Practices

PPP (Public-Private Partnership)

Our new generation of advisors focus on the complex issues in the reform agenda of modern Bulgaria . Our team is focused on solutions for stimulating and generating Public-Private Partnership initiatives, based on the well-studied and experienced past record with both governmental and private bodies. Our aim is to find solutions to seemingly intractable problems and build consensus and proponents for reform through the rule of law-where ever and whenever the need arises. And our multi-disciplinary team works with governmental and municipal bodies and donor departments to better serve their needs and optimise their performance, we consult on the legal side of regulation and complex projects.

Corporate Governance and Responsibilities

In the area of legal reform and international investment, no preconditions are more important than the construction of sound regulatory frameworks and the development of corporate governance. Without effective regulatory frameworks and the transparent execution of contracts between the public and private sector, investors will lack the confidence to risk capital in projects with high economic and social returns - as in economic and social infrastructure. Our strategic consulting services focus on providing our clients and programs with regulatory assessments, design of legal and regulatory frameworks, preparation of executive regulations, regulatory procedures, and the construct of economic regulatory tools to set and adjust tariffs. M Carroll 's legal and regulatory reform services are practical and results-oriented. Our legal and regulatory reform oriented practice is more than just regulatory institution building. We also offer clients regulatory products and the know-how to use them effectively.

Competition and EU Law

Infringement of the antitrust laws or competition rules in Bulgaria and in Europe can result in severe fines in addition to structural or behavioral change. Throughout Europe national antitrust law has developed in line with EU law. So did, to certain extend, the Bulgarian legislation. Therefore a clear understanding of the complex legal issues is required, as well as an appreciation of the wider economic and political agenda.

Our multilingual team comprises of antitrust specialists and consultants with respected practice. Our areas of focus include: mergers and joint ventures; cartel and behavioral investigations; communications, media and high tech; utility regulation and general issues of EC law , registration of trade marks and patents, etc .